Why hire a digital marketing agency?

Why Hire a Digital Marketing Agency? 9 Reasons You Haven’t Considered

by | Oct 8, 2024 | Content Marketing | 0 comments

Marketing is essential for leads, revenue, and business growth. Not surprisingly, professionals recommend setting aside at least 5% to 10% of your monthly sales for advertising. How should you spend your ad budget for the biggest return on investment? Learn why hiring a digital marketing agency can be more cost-effective than you think. 

Why Hire a Digital Marketing Agency for Your Campaign?

Manufacturers, retailers, e-commerce businesses, and other brands have serious incentives to outsource digital marketing.

1. A Well-Oiled Machine

At BKA Content, most of our team has been together for many years. We know each other’s strengths, abilities, personalities, and work styles.

This type of close-knit group can deliver fantastic results:

  • Faster project completion
  • Clearer communication
  • Higher content quality
  • Improved satisfaction and work output

It’s not easy to put together such a cohesive team in-house. You could say it’s the “secret recipe” of our services.

2. Broad Expertise in Digital Marketing Avenues

Digital marketing agencies know online advertising in depth. You get access to decades of expertise in:

  • Search engine optimization
  • Content marketing
  • Pay-per-click advertising and Google Analytics
  • White-hat link building
  • Social media management
  • Local SEO

To enjoy the same capabilities in-house, you would have to hire many marketing professionals. 

3. Fewer Obstacles and Management Tasks

Launching a digital marketing team from scratch is no easy task. It takes time to search for good people, organize them, train them, set objectives, and get to work. The startup phase can require significant capital.

With a third-party marketing agency, you hit the ground running. The infrastructure for campaigns is already good to go. All you have to do is set the goal and some broad strokes. Agency professionals work out the fastest route from A to B for your business.

4. Results You Can Trust

One of the biggest reasons to hire a digital marketing agency is that you can count on good results. The proof is in the pudding, as they say.

At BKA Content, we have an excellent reputation for quality and customer satisfaction. We’ve built great relationships with clients in every industry by always delivering.

You can’t have this type of trust with new employees. Only time will tell how dependable they are, and in the meantime, you have to spend a lot of money.

5. Better Return on Investment

Experienced marketing teams can save you money. Instead of learning the hard way from avenues that don’t work, you skip directly to smart solutions from pros who keep up with industry advances.

For example, SEO content experts balance in-depth research, search optimization, brand voice, and audience goals simultaneously. They create higher-quality content more quickly.

Paid search campaigns are another example. Professionals know how to choose the right keywords for your target audience and which metrics to track. That way, you avoid overspending and targeting mistakes, major concerns with AI-assisted platforms such as Google Performance Max.

6. Simple Content Scalability and Adaptability

Another reason why hiring a digital marketing agency is a smart move is that it makes scaling your brand’s digital marketing a breeze. Whether you need 15 blog articles a month or 50 web pages in two weeks, an agency can deliver. This scalability is a huge help with seasonal content surges and sales opportunities that require moving fast.

In-house marketing has limits in proportion to the size of your team. People can only produce so many articles each week (the average is 1,000 to 2,000 words a day).

Work With Us and All of Your (Marketing) Dreams Will Come True

We don’t like to brag (OK, we probably do), but our team is amazing. We have the experience, the passion, the friendliness, the skills — the je ne sais quoi — to deliver phenomenal results.

Why Hire a Digital Marketing Agency for Small Businesses?

Why hire a digital marketing agency for your small business.If you’re a small business owner, you should hire a digital marketing agency, but for different reasons.

7. Experienced Help With SEO and Website Development

These days, you need online marketing no matter where your business is, how large an area it serves, and how many employees it has. Even for local products, more than half of smartphone users contact businesses online instead of in person.

Unfortunately, creating a website for your business can be intimidating, and “DIY” templates don’t produce good results. Digital marketing agencies can help you get started, building attractive pages for your products and high-quality blogs to draw in traffic.

8. Content Volume

We’re going to be brutally honest: It’s impossible as a small business owner to juggle blogging, social media posts, and running a company — even if you have writing talent. The demands of life always lead to gaps of weeks or months between blogs.

Don’t do that to yourself or your website. We can help you brainstorm content ideas, plan your schedule, create blogs and social media posts, and upload, all with a reasonable budget.

9. Custom Solutions

To achieve your marketing goals, you may need to invest in social media, SEO blogs, email campaigns, landing pages, or paid search ads. The avenues that produce the most ROI for your business aren’t always the same as what another business needs. A digital marketing agency covers the full range of options, so you get the ideal solutions.

Is It Worth Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency?

There are a few situations where in-house digital marketing wins. If you need a high volume (e.g., 50+ pieces) of exceptionally specific monthly content, such as technical writing, staff writers are an advantage. Employees have the time and incentive to learn your product specs in detail.

Most of the time, however, outsourcing SEO and content creation is your best option. Even though it seems counterintuitive, you’re more likely to save money.

Why Hire a Digital Marketing Agency Instead of Using “Free” AI?

The answer to any question about why you should hire a digital marketing agency is always the same: It’s a better investment. Would you rather have 10 amazing pillar pieces that bring in tons of traffic or 500 low-quality pages that don’t even rank?

Discover why our content ranks so high and so often.

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