
What You Should Learn From Your Blog’s Biggest Fan

by | Nov 24, 2015 | Content Marketing Tips | 0 comments

Hi. My name’s Melissa and I love your blog. I read every word of it. Every time. Faithfully. I often comment on your posts. I share your blog on social media and via email with my friends and colleagues. If you were to have a fan club, I might just be the president. And that would be quite a job because I know you have a lot of other loyal followers.

I heard recently that you were wondering why your blog gets so much great traffic compared to others that you could say are somewhat, sort of, trying to be like yours. Well, I thought I’d give you my opinion at least on why I choose to read your blog versus the blogs from those other folks.

I’m Picky

Don’t let my effusive praise of your blog fool you. I’m picky—very picky—when it comes to deciding which blog I’m going to read even just once let alone time and time again. I mean, there are only so many hours in the day and way too many blogs to read to fit into them so a girl’s gotta be choosy. Did you know that on average, blogs only have about 15 seconds to catch my attention?  Not much time, right? That said, how do I choose?


Well, when I come upon a blog I ask myself a few key questions. It really doesn’t take that long for the answers to tell me which blogs are worth my time and which ones aren’t.

WIIFM? (What’s in it for me?)

When I was a kid, my mom used to give me and my siblings what she affectionately called “The Solar System” lecture any time she thought we were being selfish or too self-centered. “You know that solar system you learn about in school? Well, it’s not a picture of you in the middle!” Yeah, mom, ok.

The great thing is that now, it can be a picture of me in the middle—at least in some instances. When I want to read a blog, you betcha it’s about me. I want to get something out of it. I want to learn something new. I want to laugh. I want to be forced to think about a topic in a new way that helps me make a positive change at work or in my personal life.

I get this from you every time. You make me feel like you’re talking directly to me. It’s almost like you actually know me because you seem to anticipate what I need and then give it to me. Sometimes you’ve even helped me with a problem I didn’t even know I had. Now that’s good.

I have no time to read blogs with information that’s simply “nice to know”. I can and will only read those blogs with information that’s important for me to know and that I can make use of.

What are You Saying?

I consider myself to be a reasonably intelligent human being. I think I have a good grasp on the English language and a decent vocabulary. But I cannot tell you how many blogs I have encountered that make me feel completely stupid—or concerned that I may have inadvertently ingested some kind of hallucinogenic.


Some sound like textbooks written for doctoral candidates or serious research projects. Others might use simple terms but their messages are so mixed up and not delivered in a clear structure and flow that I honestly can’t figure out what the authors are trying to say. These ones just drive me crazy—and drive me to click away fast, never to return.

With you, however, I can always trust that I will be able to understand what you are saying—to the point that I don’t even really pay attention to the individual words because I’m so engrossed in your message. You take me from point A to point B seamlessly. By the time I get to your conclusion, it’s so logical that even if I were to completely disagree with you, I have to give you credit. You write like you’re a real person—and talk to me like I’m a real person, too. It’s so refreshing. I cannot thank you enough.

Thank goodness I’ve gotten to the point where I can detect these incomprehensible blogs pretty quickly—within the first paragraph or two—so that I can cut my losses sooner rather than later. And thank goodness I don’t have to do that with you.

When Will You be Back?

When I find something I like, I want to stick with it—and I want it to stick with me. One of my most favorite things about you is that I can count on you. I know when you post and you never disappoint. You also don’t make me wait for seeming eons in between posts.


I will admit I’ve read other blogs that I liked equally as well as yours but when I have gone back for more, there is no more. Ugh. Talk about having the wind taken out of your sails. And, trust me, I only go back so many times (once usually, twice at the absolute most).

What Else do You Have to Offer Me?

I figure that if you can consistently write blog posts that I love, you must have more to offer me as well. Guess what? I’m right. Your social media posts are so engaging and really start some interesting conversation threads. Your website has more great information and is the place I will always go when I need to buy what you have to sell. Everywhere I see you, it’s really you. You’re not just a blog. You’re not one-dimensional. You’ve mastered the art of the multi-faceted relationship and I’m excited to be in it with you.

This last point is of importance also because it’s part of how I found you. You made it easy to find you because you’re virtually everywhere. I’ve seen your guest posts on other blogs. I’ve seen your social media sites. I’ve seen your ads. I’ve seen you cited by others. If I was even remotely looking for someone like you, I don’t know how I could have missed you. Thank you for not making me play Nancy Drew this time.


Thank You, Thank You and Thank You

So, there you have it. My two cents worth as to why I read your blog. I know that I can’t fully speak for others but I wouldn’t be surprised if your other fans are fans for many of the same reasons.

It’s true—choosy readers choose you.

Have any other reasons as to why you follow your favorite blogs? Please comment below!

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