SEO for architects.

SEO for Architects: Setting Your Website Up for Success

by | Jan 12, 2024 | Content Marketing | 0 comments

As an architect, you may not be part of the 28% of business that takes place online. After all, people don’t usually expect to order a new building on the internet. However, potential customers are using search engines to find out information about architects to hire, and if you don’t have a website that ranks near the top of the results, you could be missing out on clients. SEO for architects helps customers find you.

What Is SEO for Architects?

Search engine optimization is the process business owners use to get their website and other online content to rank higher on search engine results pages. There are two types of SEO you should focus on.

Local SEO

Local SEO targets potential customers in your geographic region. It focuses on local keywords, such as “architects near me,” and on optimizing your Google Business profile to improve your chance of appearing in the top three local results.

National SEO

On the other hand, national SEO focuses on keywords that any potential customer might be searching for, even if that customer is not located near you. National SEO is critical if you want to attract customers throughout the United States, but even if you only want to do business in your local area, improving your national SEO has benefits.

What Are the Benefits of SEO for Architects?

Successful architects use SEO to gain traffic.

SEO gets your website seen by more people. However, it doesn’t just throw your site in front of random search engine users. SEO techniques focus on matching your site with people who are specifically interested in what you have to offer.

Because SEO traffic targets people interested in your services, it converts better than other types of marketing, such as ads that target people by demographic information. It is also affordable when compared to pay-per-click advertising or advertising on television and print publications.

Constructing or renovating a building is a major investment, and customers want someone they can trust to do the job. Ranking at the top of search results helps potential customers see you as a leader in the industry.

Get Expert Help With Architect SEO

At BKA Content we have the SEO experience to get you the results you want. Let us show you how we can drive traffic to your site!

How Can You Implement SEO for Architects?

SEO implementation for architects is a multi-step process. Because SEO techniques center on ranking for specific keywords, selecting the right keywords is a good place to start.

1. Choose Your Keywords

Make a list of all the core areas of your website and then think about what customers might search for that would be a good match with each area. You can use keyword research tools to make this process easier.

Avoid targeting overly broad, generic keywords, such as “architect.” You might attract people who are looking for architectural services with that keyword, but you are also likely to show up on the SERP for people who are searching for other things, and that sort of traffic isn’t likely to convert to sales.

Instead, target specific keywords, such as “environmentally friendly architecture services.” Include similar keywords people might search for, such as “green building design,” and local keywords, such as the names of cities and regions in your area.

2. Perform a Content Audit

Before you start trying to improve your SEO for architects, you need to know how well your site is currently performing. Use tools such as Google Search Console to identify which content on your website is performing well for the keywords you are targeting and which is not.

Build topical authority around the content that is performing well by adding new content. Rework the underperforming content to be relevant to your target market’s search intent. Repeat your content audit every six to 12 months.

3. Create Keyword-Optimized Content

Creating search-optimized content for an architect website.

Once you have optimized your existing content, add a steady stream of new keyword-optimized content by writing a blog at least once per week. Create unique, high-quality content that answers the questions potential customers are most likely to ask.

Blogging about frequently asked questions will establish you as an expert in your industry, attract backlinks from authoritative sites, and improve your rankings.  Focus on long-form content that provides real value to readers. This will keep people coming back to your site and keep them on your site for a long time, both of which are good for your rankings.

Your blog is also a good place to show off your work by writing about current projects. Provide photos and talk about any challenges you overcame on the project.

4. Optimize Internal Links and Solicit Backlinks

Links are an important part of SEO for architects. Internal links guide readers and search engines from one page on your site to another. This helps search engines understand what your site is about and keeps visitors on your page longer.

Solicit links from other pages to your content by producing authoritative content that other sites will naturally want to link to. You can also reach out to other site owners to ask for links or offer to write guest posts in exchange for a backlink.

5. Complete Ongoing SEO Maintenance

Because local SEO is important for architects, make sure you claim and verify your listings with Google Business and other online directories. Ensure your business name, address, phone number, URL, and services offered are up to date.

6. Update Older Content

Google’s algorithm prioritizes new content. Refreshing older content with new information and reoptimizing it with your current keywords can boost your rankings.

7. Be Active on Social Media

Social media is a great way to make connections with colleagues and potential customers and promote your content. Share links to your blog posts, photos of your work, and positive reviews from customers.

Follow potential partners and clients and engage with their content by liking or commenting on their posts. Monitor messages from other users and respond to them promptly.

Where Can You Get Help With SEO for Architects?

When you need help with SEO for architects, BKA offers affordable SEO services that get results. Let us write your SEO-optimized content and watch your rankings soar while you focus on your customers and projects. Learn more about our content writing and white hat link-building services and shop our affordable SEO plans.

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