
How To Generate More Leads From Your Website

by | Dec 8, 2022 | Content Marketing | 0 comments

Learning how to generate more leads from your website is essential for any business owner or marketer to master. In this post, we’ll go over some quick ways that actually work when it comes to getting more leads from your website.

1. Create Blog Content Consistently

Website traffic must exist before you can even think about generating leads from your website. If your website could use more traffic (Hint: Everyone’s website needs more traffic!), then you need to make sure that you are creating content consistently.

Why does creating content help with getting more traffic?

The answer is that with each piece of content you write, you can target a subset of keywords that you’d like to rank for. As Google ranks your content for these keywords over time, you will start getting more organic traffic from search engines.

Utilizing your blog is one of the best ways to create content and consistently target keywords every month. In fact, blogging consistently can yield massive results and earn you up to 67% more leads!

This chart shows a recent study that HubSpot did in which they found that most of their monthly leads came from older blog posts. In other words, blogs can have a compounding effect on lead generation if you create and post content consistently.

The Challenge

It’s no secret that businesses everywhere struggle to create blog content consistently. This is mainly due to the time and effort it takes to create content. However, not creating content consistently is one of the worst things you can do because you are leaving so many missed lead generation opportunities on the table!

Marketing Life Hack – Thankfully, there are content writing services, such as BKA Content, that can do all the heavy lifting for you. One of our most popular options is our monthly blog writing plans, where we do the keyword research, come up with topics, and write and SEO-optimize fresh blog posts for you every month.

2. Add Forms to High Traffic Pages

Once you’ve started creating content regularly and the traffic flows into the site, the next step is adding lead generation forms to your website.

Start on your pages that get the highest traffic each month. For example, most home pages get a lot of traffic on a website. Making sure you have a lead generation form that is easily seen and accessible is a must-have.

Time on Page

Once you’ve determined which pages get the most traffic, the next metric to look at is the time-on-page. If the time on the page is high, then you have engaging content keeping your reader interested, and adding a lead form on this page should yield great results.

However, a high-traffic page with a low time-on-page indicates that you need to spruce up the content on the page to make sure you are answering the user intent. This will improve the user’s experience and set you up for better success with the lead form you put on the page.

3. Write a Strong Call to Action

The biggest mistake that most people make when trying to generate more leads from their website is with the call to action. If your call to action is weak, your lead generation will suffer.

One of the best ways to bolster your call to action is by offering something to the user if they fill out your lead gen form. For example, offering a free consultation or a certain percentage off their first order can entice users to fill out their information and submit the lead form.

Coming up with an offer that a potential customer can’t refuse is imperative to increasing the conversion rates on your lead gen forms.

4. Use the Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO)

FOMO is a real thing, and people will respond better if they feel some pressure to act now instead of later. A deadline or expiration date on your CTA offer can apply positive pressure on people to fill out your lead generation form so they don’t miss out.

For example, if you offer a free consultation, let people know that space is limited or that spaces are filling up fast. This sort of marketing language can really help to improve lead form submissions.

5. Offer Social Proof

People who are considering filling out a lead form need some convincing that your product or service is worth it for them to give you their information. One of the best ways to accomplish this is by showing off social proof that your product or service works.

reach audience with blog

Social proof can be shared in a bunch of different ways, but one of the most popular ways is through client testimonials and reviews. Sharing the positive reviews that customers have given you can go a long way in convincing others that if your product and service worked for someone else, it most likely will work for them too.

If you don’t have social proof to share, then asking some of your best customers for a written testimonial (video is even better!) is an absolute must if you want to improve lead generation conversion.

6. Include a Heartfelt Acknowledgment

Nothing is worse than hitting “submit” on a lead gen form and not being redirected to a thank you page acknowledging that your information was received.


This sort of experience automatically damages the trust between your company and the new lead. People want to know that their personal information matters to you, and the best way to show that is by thanking them.

Thanking them should be done in two ways:

  1. Redirect to a thank you page – Sending the lead to a thank you page gives them automatic gratification that their information is valued and in safe hands. You can not only let them know you got their information but also give them a link to other relevant content on your site to help them continue further down your sales funnel.
  2. Send an email – Connect your lead gen form to an email platform so that upon submission of the form, you can automatically email the lead and thank them for their information. An email provides a second witness that their information made it to you and that you value it.

7. Respond Promptly

Once that lead comes in, don’t let it sit for hours, days, or weeks. The more time that goes by from when they fill out your form until when you follow up, the colder the lead will become.

Did you know that following up with a lead within the first minute can increase conversions by 391%? In fact, the data shows that 90% of leads go inactive after 30 days, and slow lead response time can increase customer churn by 15%.

This means that it is extremely important to reach out to your leads as soon as is humanly possible to increase your chances of converting them into customers.

Generate More Leads From Your Website Today

By following these tips, you can increase your conversion when it comes to how to generate more leads from your website. While these tips can significantly help you to increase your conversion rates, none of this will work unless you have consistent traffic coming to your website.

Increasing traffic via content creation is one of the best ways to get high-quality traffic. More traffic produces more leads and, ultimately, sales.

When it comes to creating high-quality content to help you increase traffic, leads, and sales, BKA Content is here to help!

Check out our writing services.


Greg Secrist
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