BKA Content Blog
Stay up to date with our most recent news and updatesHow To Hire a Web Content Writer
Web content has the potential to attract thousands of readers, build brand authority and increase sales. If used with tact, content on your website and social media platforms can be a powerful tool. However, not every piece of content gets great coverage. In fact,...
Top 10 Tips To Increase Content Engagement
Have you ever tried to catch someone’s attention in a noisy crowd? Creating online content can feel just like that. You’re competing with a virtually unlimited sea of information. Trying to attract your audience’s attention can be a challenge, but the right content...
Top 7 Content Plagiarism Tools for Web Page Writing
In the past, we have discussed the importance of a detailed strategy for your content marketing. Your strategy should incorporate certain web page writing best practices, one of the most fundamental of which is publishing completely original text. This means no...
Should You Reuse Manufacturer Product Descriptions?
Generating content for an ecommerce website isn’t as easy as you’d think. Unfortunately, websites don’t just spring into being fully formed, with lovely words extolling your company and the products you sell. Somebody has to write those words, and descriptions are...
How To Attract Links With Your Blog Content
Do you feel like too much of your content marketing budget is going toward blog articles that don’t seem to be helping your page ranking? If so, your posts might be lacking the high-quality links that search engines are so fond of. But how do you get external websites...
Are Clickbait Headlines Good or Bad for Digital Marketing? Learn the Surprising Truth
Hearing the word “clickbait” usually makes SEO managers cringe. For some, it brings to mind things such as keyword stuffing, redirects and link farms. Aren't clickbait titles just another type of black hat SEO? Not always. In fact, clickbait headlines can actually...
10 Content Curation Tools You Really Should Use
We enter our online workplaces for different reasons and with varying skill sets, but every blogger, marketer and website builder has to figure out what techniques will bring in business. When crafting and implementing content marketing campaigns, it becomes quickly...
Outsourced Content Writing vs. In-House Content Writing – A True Cost Comparison
It’s no secret that quality content improves brand awareness, increases customer loyalty and drives leads, but most marketing managers say that good writers are difficult to find. Companies need writers who can create value through informative and engaging...
Do I Need Category Pages for My E-commerce Store?
When you build a website for your ecommerce business, the end goal is not only to inform your potential customers about the product or service you’re offering but also to build a real connection with the information you’re providing. That personal connection is what...
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