
BKA Content Blog

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Easy SEO for Small Businesses

Attracting new customers is vital for businesses of any size. More than ever before, potential customers are shopping online. Those users make over 3.5 billion searches every day! Search engine optimization is the key that helps you unlock the gates to a larger...

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The History of Content Marketing

The history of content marketing is a hotly debated topic. Some marketers credit cave drawings as being some of the first forms of content marketing. Others assert that the first real development of content came after the invention of the Gutenberg printing press....

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How Long Should A Blog Post Be?

Due to the highly competitive nature of the SEO landscape, knowing the tricks of the trade that give your content the edge up on your competitors is what every content marketer seeks. Determining how long a blog should be is essential because it can affect budgets,...

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How To Optimize for Google Discover

As predictive algorithms and artificial intelligence become ever more sophisticated, search engines and web tools customize each individual experience based on the person's previous search and browsing data. With Google Discover, for example, users receive content...

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