BKA Content Blog
Stay up to date with our most recent news and updatesHow To Develop a Blog Content Strategy: A Start-to-Finish Guide
You might use content writing services and buy articles to support your brand, but do you have an actual blog content strategy? According to data from Content Marketing Institute, even though more than 70% of surveyed brands say they are engaged in content marketing,...
10 Content Marketing Tools You Should Be Using
Although content marketing has become standard practice for businesses big and small, not everyone with a content strategy feels as though their program is actually effective. According to one of Content Marketing Institute's surveys, only 30 percent felt they were...
5 Undeniable Benefits of Content Outsourcing
As the owner of a small business, you want to make every dollar count. We get it. A byproduct of the 2008 recession and once endearingly called “The Little Blog That Could,” BKA Content is comprised of leaders who wholly appreciate what it means to operate on a...
9 Things To Look For in Top Content Writing Companies
There are many article writing services out there offering to create content for your company. However, not all of them can deliver the content that you need to distinguish your business from its competitors. Top content writing companies are different. They are able...
The Importance of Content Marketing to Grow Your Business in a Recession
News of an impending recession often strikes fear into the hearts of business owners. How will you handle inflation and manage your finances? If you own or operate a small business, you need to develop a game plan to make it through a recession successfully. Focusing...
5 Steps To Write More Compelling Category Descriptions
SEO category descriptions are an increasingly important part of content strategy and are becoming a larger part of the e-commerce content marketing mix. As more companies realize the additional SEO benefits that come from well-written category...
The Many Benefits of a Guest Blog Writing Service
Guest blog writing is one of the best ways to increase your authority within an industry, boost your brand exposure and increase the number of backlinks to your site from high-ranking domains. With all the benefits that come from guest blogging, why don't more...
The Mega Importance of Meta Descriptions
Weighing in at a mere 155 characters, meta descriptions might not seem like a heavyweight contender in the content writing battle. It’s easy to gloss over them quickly. They do have their place in the ring, however, and need some muscle to do their job. But what...
Small Business Marketing Strategies
For small business owners and managers, retaining customers and driving new traffic to the company is everything. Growth is the goal, and to achieve it, you need smart and effective small business marketing strategies that make you stand out among the competition. As...
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