by Melinda Rhodes | Apr 29, 2016 | Community, Company Culture
May in Motion: A BKA Wellness Challenge 476. That’s how many calories I burned on my run this morning. Which means that I am allowed to eat 6.8 Samoas® today. That’s how it works . . . right? Like the shirt says, “I run because I really like cookies.” During the month...
by Melinda Rhodes | Mar 14, 2016 | Social Media, Writing Tips
Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media Posts When someone follows you in real life, run away! Unless it’s a bear. Then stand very still and pull out the bear spray so you don’t end up like Leo in “The Revenant.” But I digress. In the world of social...
by Melinda Rhodes | Dec 19, 2014 | Community
This year, we had an incredible opportunity to donate over 40 coats and 100 books to Mountain View Elementary School in Salt Lake City, Utah on Friday, December 12th as a part of their “Giving Back, One Page at a Time” project. Mountain View Elementary is...