New Product Descriptions

New Product Descriptions

Product Descriptions are pretty self-explanatory – they describe a product in detail to your customers!  Product descriptions are typically found on retail sites, eCommerce sites, and pretty much any website that utilizes a shopping cart system.  They are meant...
Product Description Rewrites

Product Description Rewrites

Are you using a product description that you copied and pasted from the manufacturer or a product description that is really old? If so, let us help you get them freshened up by letting us rewrite your existing product descriptions in a new original way! By having...
Amazon Product Descriptions

Amazon Product Descriptions

Home / Blogging / Subscriptions / Pro Blog Subscription – Lvl 4 Sale! Pro Blog Subscription – Lvl 4 From: $1,410.00 / month 8 Blog Posts – 2 X 2,000-word posts – 2 X 1,000-word posts – 4 X 500-word posts This Package Also Includes: – Content...
Category Descriptions

Category Descriptions

Category Descriptions are pretty self explanatory – they describe a product category in detail to your customers!  Category descriptions are typically found on retail sites, eCommerce sites, and pretty much any website that utilizes a shopping cart system.  They...
Standard Web Pages

Standard Web Pages

Your website is the online portal that showcases your brand, voice and image to the world.  The text on your web pages is critical because it often is the first real interaction that your potential customers will have with your company.  In order to drive sales and...